
Access and Functional Needs: Hospital Disaster Guidebook
Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center

This guidebook and tool was funded through a grant from the California Community Foundation and is presented as a free reference tool to help Hospital Emergency Managers prepare, plan and conduct exercises and training with local AFN communities. This tool was developed for, and is intended for use by, emergency management professionals in the healthcare industry.

All agency and organization websites selected for inclusion in the ‘Access and Functional Needs (AFN) Hospital Disaster Guidebook’ and any and all designations of ‘best practice’ have been made under the direction of Steven Storbakken, Director of Emergency Preparedness & Environmental Safety, Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center (PVHMC). Mr. Storbakken used his extensive experience and expertise in hospital disaster management to compile the listings in this tool.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, PVHMC will not incur any liability, including without limitation, liability for damages, arising from the content. All conditions, warranties and other terms which might otherwise be implied by the law are excluded.

While the information contained in this tool will be periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in these websites is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Although the ‘Access and Functional Needs (AFN) Hospital Disaster Guidebook’ and the website upon which it is posted may include links providing direct access to other Internet resources, PVHMC is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained in these sites.