Medical Surge Following a Radiological/Nuclear MCI
2021 Disaster Planning for California Hospitals Virtual Conference
Right of Boom refers to impacts following a radiological/nuclear explosion which is in the Medical and Health domain. An improvised nuclear detonation (IND) is the highest impact terrorism event. It also has the highest potential for saving lives, hundreds of thousands of lives. Yet medical and health preparedness activities rarely address radiological emergencies and the unique attributes of radiological exposure and contamination. Hospitals and local jurisdictions that plan for medical surge of contaminated patients will save thousands of lives without endangering their workforce or disrupting other operations.
Presented by:
Jeffrey Day
Director, Los Angeles County, Radiation Management
Los Angeles County
Michelle Heckle
HSEM Division Commander Director, Homeland Security
University of California, San Francisco
Kenneth Luke, MBA, BSN, RN, NHDP-BC
Director, Security & Emergency Management
Mercy Medical Center Redding, California
Tanya Ridgle
Principal Radiation Protection Specialist
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
Mark Sutter, MD
Medical Operations Directorate (CW-1)
Countering Weapons of Mass Destructions Office
US Department of Homeland Security
Sauda Yerabati, MPH
Emergency Preparedness Program Manager
California Department of Health