
Overflowing Morgues: More Lessons from COVID-19
2021 Disaster Planning for California Hospitals Virtual Conference

Experts from a community hospital and a stand-alone acute care facility share stories and describe how the continuity of decedent management is challenged when existing resources are beyond capacity. Quick planning and coordination with the county EMD, county coroner’s office, and local overflow mortuaries, and transportation and storage capacity issues were critical to staying ahead of reaching critical capacity. At the same time, facilities had to manage staff suffering from illness and PTSD due to massive increase of morgue duties. Speakers will demonstrate how employing solutions assures the community that the hospital is still a safe place to receive care. Lessons learned from the presentation will assist health care emergency management personnel in planning for future decedent surges within a hospital morgue.

Presented by:

Scott Cossey
Disaster Planner/Surge Coordinator
Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital

Kendall Jones, M.Div., MBA-HM, HEM
Director, Environmental Health and Safety
HCA Healthcare, Riverside Community Hospital

Terry Stone RN, MS, CPHQ
Safety Officer and Emergency Preparedness Manager
Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital